Monday, January 19, 2009

Wedding Card and Awesome Print

Okay, I know it has been almost FOREVER since I've updated this blog, but I guess the end of last semester was pretty busy! I am still not done with that duvet cover, and the vibrant fabric sits idly at the side of my room in a pile, making me feel guilty every time I see it. Maybe this semester I'll have more time since I'm not taking any technical classes. My lace-ribbon scarf is also still a WIP, needing only about 10 more inches before I call it done. It's getting there! Maybe even before winter is over! We just got like 10 inches of snow this weekend, so I would certainly say it's scarf season now. I did, however, put together a quick card to go with a wedding gift this weekend, and it took me a couple hours of brain-wrangling before I finished this card that I'm quite happy with! The buttons are all repurposed from a bag of old buttons I got from my grandma, and the letters were from a rub-on set I found somewhere - actually quite fun to apply! Anyway, I love how the buttons seem kind of old and vintage, yet sparkly!

For the wedding gift, I found this great print from a place in Rockport, MA, called the Sara Elizabeth Shop that makes these amazing block prints with quite a history behind it. The prints looked appealing online but this one was even more vibrant and beautiful in person! I almost wish I had one for myself! It's called Squam Woods Summer.

Anyway, hopefully I'll be back soon with some more crafting updates, before I die of craft withdrawal!

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